Monday, August 13, 2007

Crazy weekend

Friday night we had thunder storm that killed the power all over the cities including Alley (daughter) Apartment building. They lost power at about 4 am. So she felt the need to show up at our house at about 7 Am Saturday Morning, I really don't mind but I was up late reading a book that Rachele from knitting has lent me. The book is "My Sisters keeper". As I started to read this book I felt that I have read this before. ButI do not remember reading this as it is not what I normally would read. I asked Rachele to help me expand on what I read. I do like this book and will be looking for more books my this writer. Well

Saturday the family went to the Irish fair on Harriet Island. We had a great time. We watched the Irish dancers and decided that when Rylyn (granddaughter)get old enough to so try it we will do our best to get her started. Nick (youngest son) learned how to play Tara (Irish Game) and loved it so we are going to look at getting the game for him for christmas. I watched part of it and it looks interesting. Alley decided she wants to have an Irish wedding when she decides to get married.

Sunday we started out grocery shopping then we were going to go to the Zoo, but by the time we got done shopping and Rylyn was done with her nap it was already 2 and we decided that we would wait to go until next weekend and we would leave in the morning. Ryan and Alley are borrowing one of our cars. The only problem with that is the car they are borrowing has an electrical problem and sometimes decides not to start. So we have had to go over and jump start the car a couple times on Sunday. Which was a major pain in the a**. One time when we were going to go do this I was backing out of the drive to find I had a flat tire. NOT what I needed at that point of my day. When we got the tire change we found that I had a huge piece of wood in my tire. My Brother in-law brought us fire wood and left a mess in the driveway. What bothered me the most about it is that when we talked to him about the tire and the mess he just said "then maybe we should have been there to help him" I would have been happy to help him unload the wood if he would have called before he showed up. A Sorry would have been nice. But I guess that is to much to ask.

Ok enough complaining.

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