Monday, February 25, 2008

I did a Tim Conway impression.

Well Nick and I are back from the church retreat. We had a great time. I maybe more so them him. I went cross country skiing for about 2-3 mile. I was doing so good we rounded the bend to the back half of the loop and I had not falling. I was so proud of myself cuz the last time I went I fell at least 15 times in the first mile. Well we hit another hill (mind you I had done 5 hills so far) this one was just a bit bigger (not much), we started to tell one of the boy to bend his knees and lean forward and away he went. My turn, I bent my knees started to lean forward and lost my balance and over correct and fell flat on my back. Think of Tim Conway on the Carol Burnet show when he play the little guy (Dorf?) and falls straight backwards, No bending. That was me, then I was laying in deep snow laughing my ass off. One would think that I would have hurt my back or head, right. Nope, leave it to me, I hyper extended my knee. Know I have a brace for my leg that I need to wear until the swelling goes down and the pain is gone. So we are looking at about a week. The brace makes life o much fun it goes from about 4 inches below my butt to about 4 inches above my ankle. The doctor said there were going to fit me with the short brace. Ok if this is the short brace where would the long brace be, i don;t think I want to know.

I did not finish both mitten on the retreat I did get one done on the ride up and about half of the second one done while we were there. So I think I will finishing it this week at Knitting.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yarn Harlot and knit out

The Yarn Harlot will be coming to MN in April as a matter of fact she will be here the day after my birthday. I have already reserved two tickets. One is for Me and the other is for a friend from Knitting that is not able to get over to pick them up. I will be going over to pick them up tomorrow.

Saturday Alley, Rylyn and I went to the Knit Out we had a good time but we mostly stood in lines for stuff. We saw this:

It was amazing.

We have to go study.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Well I just took my first midterm for the quarter. I have one more tomorrow. I think I did ok. I was not as ready for this test as I would have liked. I will be spending some extra time tonight studying for tomorrows test.

Rick and I bought a camper on Saturday, pending repairs (it is a pop up camper) one of the seams have ripped out and they are checking to see how much it will cost to repair. Well I did some checking on my own today and will be going to take photos of the repairs that need to be made so I can email them to the repair shop. The price that was quoted to me was about $35 for fix. I hope that is the case as it will be a lot less then we were expecting. The camper is a 1997 Palomino Mustang. It has everything that I wanted in a camper. I was so shocked to find out that it was in our price range. We will be finding out what the cost the RV center got on Wednesday. We will hopefully making the final decision of what to do my Thursday.

Sunday we checked out the Archery practice with the SCA. I think the boys will really like it when they can shoot themselves. The loner equipment was not there, but show be the next few weeks. We are talking about going to the event that is Rochester in March. that should be fun and should give a better feel for the SCA.

Knitting I am still working on the hats for my small group girls, I have 3 left to make. I really wanted them done my Wednesday but I do not think it will happen. I also need to make a pair of mittens for myself before the 22nd as I need them for winter white out (church retreat). If I do not get them done before he 22nd I can work on them on the trip there it is a 4 hour ride with 80 junior high kids.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New adventures

Well, as you can see I did not post last night in class. We actually did something. We did a review for the midterm next week. I wish the instructor would have taught the last 4 weeks the same way as he did last night, quickly. I actually felt like it was not a complete waste of time.

On the Knitting front I have been working on the unoriginal hats for my small group girls. I have 4 of the 8 done. I should have the rest done by Next Wednesday. Which will be a good thing they were to be christmas present and it would be nice for them to be able to use them before winter is over completely.

My hubby and I have decided to check out the SCA. We are looking forward to finding out more about it and the different things we can learn. We think we are going to look at 16th century Ireland. (He wants to wear a kilt and that is the only time period I can find so far). I am excited to talk to G about it more at knitting tomorrow. We will need to find out more about what Nick will be able to do. But we talked to him last night and he is looking forward to it.

Well that is it for now.