Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here we are again

Well it is Tuesday night again and I am sitting in my computer informations systems class trying to stay on task, but as you can see I am not doing to well. If this guy was any more boring the class might actually start to snore. This class is actually interesting if he would move a lot faster and stay on track. For some reason he thinks we are computer stupid and that we don't know anything about computers. an example of is: were do you find my computer and how do you open a program? OH MY GOD we are not STUPID. I just had to tell him that if you have folder b in folder a you can not put folder a in b. DUH and who is the person we are paying to teach us??????? HEEEEELLLLPPPPP I am losing my mind in this class!!!!!!!!

On the knitting front I made a market bag using Liz's pattern this weeking. I made Ry a bunny out of the one skein book that I got from Emily for Christmas. It was a reaaly simple pattern to do. I made it in about 3 hour.

I have spent most of my time this weekend Spinning. I am so in love witn it, I am almost thinking it is more relaxing than (dare I say) knitting. I have to force myself to stop. I have a wonderful friend from knitting group that has helped me out to learn to spin. She is the person that I cought the drop spindle from. She was wonderful last week and brought me more beast roving. she told me I needed to finish spinning that before I could start on the really soft and pretty pink roving she brought me. Well I finished the beast roving in a short time, I have to say it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. (I will post pics later. No camera in class). I have it in a pretty little cake now I need to know what to do with it now (I think I need to ply it). I think by the time I get to knitting on Thursday night I will have enough of the pretty pink to wind off into a cake. I do need to find out what kind of wool it is exactly. I am trying to figure out what I want to make with the

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