Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sheep are Gross

Well had another long weekend working at the fair Satyurday and Sunday. On Monday my friend Rachele from knitting and I started to process the fleece that I was given by my boss.

She has one Sheep. This fleece was gross, dirty. I knew that the fleece would be dirty and have some waste on it, but this was nasty. Well Rachele and I had a good time anyways. Can't you tell.

Here is the fleece being cooked on the Grill. We used the Yarn Harlots method to washing fleece. We did do this on the grill so the house would not smell and it really would have smelled. Just ask Rachele.

It is amazing how clean this really came.



Well we still have a lot more to wash as this was a long process and did notwash that much at a time. I am trying to figure out how to do this process in much much larger quanity.
I can't was to card it and then start to spin it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Pretty wool. Good to see that you got the washing worked out.