Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am so excited

I know I have told a lot of you some of this, but here I go anyway. Since September (the start of my new job) I have going down 4 sizes in clothes. Now I finally jumped on the scale and found out that I have lost 20 pounds. To further this wonderful weight loss Rick and I just joined Golds Gym. I plan to work on losing more weight, strengthening my arms (this will help with my job), getting rid of the tire around my lower middle, and to get a butt (sitting on it for 16 years at a desk has made it pretty flat).

I hope to be down at least 2 more sizes by the time Alley gets married.


Sarah O G said...

Congratulations Lady!!!! Way to go!

Rachel said...

Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!

Liz said...

I know we cheered last night, but this deserves another WOO HOO!!