Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its been a long time.

Sorry that it has been so long since I last posted. There is not much new on this end. I continue to look for a new full time job. I have talked to my second part time job about a management position, but with the fact that I have not been there very long I do not think that it will happen any time soon.

On the knitting front I have have been working on market bags, dish clothes and sock. The yarn I have been using for the socks is amazingly soft it is On your toes bamboo. I love the feeling of it as I knit especially after spending hours working with kitchen cotton.

A friend from my knitting group has challanged all of us to enter a project into the Minnesota State Fair next year. I have been spending some time thinking about what I might want to make. I was thinking if I could get the yarn soon maybe I would try to get the spider web shawl done. Or I might try to make a sweater for Ry. All I know is that I want to make something that will challenge me but not send me over the top with frustration.

On Saturday we will be celebrating Ry's 2nd Birth with family. She is 2 today. It is so hard to believe that she has been around for two years. I remember a time when someone told me that my daughter should give her up for adoption. I am so blessed taht Al did not do that as Ry has been the best thing that has happened to our family in a long time.
Happy Birthday Ry