Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I have three hour to update

Its computer information system time again. I have three boring hour to update the blog. I will not bore you again this week with what it not happening in this class.

This week on the knitting front I made Rick the fist thing ever. I amde him fingerless gloves. I have found that I like making them as I am able to get a pair of them done in less the a day. We went Sunday to knit N from the heart and bought 2 skeins of casade 220. One for Rick fingerless gloves and one for new mittens for me. I will start on the mittens for me this week if not before I will start them on Thursday after class at knitting.

On the spinning front. I have plyed, washed and wound the gray and white wool that I learned to spin on. I have also done the same to the pretty pink wool I have a really nice cake of pretty pink. I keep spinning the pretty pink into yarn.

We had an IEP meeting for Nick today, regarding what will happen next year for high school for him. Well let just say I have a really good feeling that I will be the state about the way this district is going to handle my son's education. I hate the fact that everytime there should be a good change they always make it into some way to get him into a different program. I will have more on that issue at a later date.

Well I should go and actually pay some attention to the instructor he is now ready to start trying to teach chapter 4. We are now an hour and a half into class and he is now getting to the new chapter. We have just been reveiwing how to create folders for the last hour.

bye for now

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here we are again

Well it is Tuesday night again and I am sitting in my computer informations systems class trying to stay on task, but as you can see I am not doing to well. If this guy was any more boring the class might actually start to snore. This class is actually interesting if he would move a lot faster and stay on track. For some reason he thinks we are computer stupid and that we don't know anything about computers. an example of is: were do you find my computer and how do you open a program? OH MY GOD we are not STUPID. I just had to tell him that if you have folder b in folder a you can not put folder a in b. DUH and who is the person we are paying to teach us??????? HEEEEELLLLPPPPP I am losing my mind in this class!!!!!!!!

On the knitting front I made a market bag using Liz's pattern this weeking. I made Ry a bunny out of the one skein book that I got from Emily for Christmas. It was a reaaly simple pattern to do. I made it in about 3 hour.

I have spent most of my time this weekend Spinning. I am so in love witn it, I am almost thinking it is more relaxing than (dare I say) knitting. I have to force myself to stop. I have a wonderful friend from knitting group that has helped me out to learn to spin. She is the person that I cought the drop spindle from. She was wonderful last week and brought me more beast roving. she told me I needed to finish spinning that before I could start on the really soft and pretty pink roving she brought me. Well I finished the beast roving in a short time, I have to say it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. (I will post pics later. No camera in class). I have it in a pretty little cake now I need to know what to do with it now (I think I need to ply it). I think by the time I get to knitting on Thursday night I will have enough of the pretty pink to wind off into a cake. I do need to find out what kind of wool it is exactly. I am trying to figure out what I want to make with the

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Semister

Well the new semister has started. My class are not the toughest but the amount of home work will be a killer for me. Monday night class is Intro to marco economics. We are doing a unit a night which is approx 4-5 chapters in a unit plus assignments. We will have a 5 page paper due at the end of class but we don't have all the information for it yet.

My Tuesday night class is Copmuter informations systems. This class is really easy but the hard part is to stay awake. As it is areally boring. This is were I am writing this tonight or I will fall alseep.

Thursday I have Interpersonal relations. I actually really like this class. I am learning a lot. Hubby and I are taking the class at the same time. He does not like it. I am going to have to write a paper as to why I deserve an A in the class for the final project. We will need to present this at the end of class. The presentation can be in different forms if we do not want ot talk in class. I was thinking that I would write it a put it on here. Then all of my friends can let me know if I have grown and deserve an A. HEHEHEH. This week in this class we have to write our mission statement. I have to start that tonight. I am looking forward to writing this to see if I will start to live what I write.

We as for knitting I have not really worked on anything in about two weeks. I have been slowly working on the Icelandic shawl one row at a time (or should I say a night) I still have socks on the needles so I should finish these. I might start market bags or dish clothes for gifts.

Rick bought me a new book by the author I like so I start to read that on Saturday and I should be finishing that tonight.

Well I should go and pay attention, hopefully he will stop talking and let us do something other than listen to him. snooooooze. (nothing like listening to a computer geek talk about 1's and 0's.) which by the way we do not need to know according to the syllabus.

Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Knit Out at MOA

I have did not make this event last year, but I am really going to try to make it this year. I will be talking to the thursday night gang to see if we want to go together, even maybe help out.

The second annual Knit Out & Crochet event at Mall of America will be held February 16th and 17th 2008. Over 50,000 yarn enthusiasts are expected to attend. This year you can bring your knit and crochet questions to "Yarn Doctors" at the show.