Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Its been so long

I went to the doctor yesterday as a recheck for being in the hosptial on the 19th with chest pain. The doctor wants me to continue with the meds for another week to see if it is helping. He thinks the chest pain is stress so I need to learn breathing and relaxation techinques. If the pain continues then we will look at other option. So for now I am to try to lower the stress in my life. Like that is possible.

On the knitting front. I have finished the puppy hat and will post pics later, I made the small hat and it is alittle snug but will fit for this year. I started a pair of Monkey socks from Ry. I have one done I need to cast on the second one today. for the pattern I just removed one of the pattern repeats on size 1 needles. They are a perfect fit. After I finish the socks I am going to make Ry a pair of mittens Pink with the bones on them to match the hat.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its been a long time.

Sorry that it has been so long since I last posted. There is not much new on this end. I continue to look for a new full time job. I have talked to my second part time job about a management position, but with the fact that I have not been there very long I do not think that it will happen any time soon.

On the knitting front I have have been working on market bags, dish clothes and sock. The yarn I have been using for the socks is amazingly soft it is On your toes bamboo. I love the feeling of it as I knit especially after spending hours working with kitchen cotton.

A friend from my knitting group has challanged all of us to enter a project into the Minnesota State Fair next year. I have been spending some time thinking about what I might want to make. I was thinking if I could get the yarn soon maybe I would try to get the spider web shawl done. Or I might try to make a sweater for Ry. All I know is that I want to make something that will challenge me but not send me over the top with frustration.

On Saturday we will be celebrating Ry's 2nd Birth with family. She is 2 today. It is so hard to believe that she has been around for two years. I remember a time when someone told me that my daughter should give her up for adoption. I am so blessed taht Al did not do that as Ry has been the best thing that has happened to our family in a long time.
Happy Birthday Ry

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Interview went well.

I had my interview today with Hamline University this morning. I think it went well. I should here Friday or so. I think it would be a great place to work the people seem really fun . If this is any sign that things are starting to turn around for us. I received a call yesterday from Babies R Us and they offered me a part time position. I have orientation next Thursday so I will be later for knitting. OH well money needs to come first.

We leave tomorrow for our camping trip so no knitting group for me.

I will keep you updated on the job front.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Need good interview vibes.

I have an interview with Hamline University on Wednesday. Please send me good interview vibe. This position would be an Admin Assist for the fundraising department.

We went to the MN zoo yesterday with the family. Ry wanted to take all the animals home with us cuz she thought they were hers. Then we took Nick to my moms so they could go up north camping. We had a good day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I have never been treated so rudely.

Never to patronize the Book Corner again. Last evening Rick and I took some books into the Book Corner used book store in Woodbury off Radio Dr. This store was recommended to us by a couple of our friend, so we thought we would try it. When we got there the owner was in the back so we waited for her to only be yelled at that we set our book on the wrong counter. We are OK we will move them. She made a snotty comment about not taking hard cover books unless they are new release or childrens books, Agian OK I will put them in the car.(From me)only to be told NO JUST LEAVE THEM! As she looked at what we had we looked around. Rick found a book he wanted so we went to the front to find out what kind of credit we had. To be told she was only going to buy 2 books, (she said that they are all Star Trek or hard cover) There was alot more than that as I had about 20 romance (soft cover) and Rick had 5 Star Trek. Our thought was OK we will take that credit. Rick did not know that the store policy (which is not posted anywhere) was that you can use your credit to pay for half of the cost and cash for the rest. He said he would used the credit to buy the book. Well that start her into a tyraid of how she was not a book exchange and she was tired of people thinking she was. I calmly said we had never been in her store before so we did not know her policy and she should not be yelling at us. She proceeded to yell some more about that she did not have to be nice to anyone and she was not a book exchange (she was rolling her eye looking at another customer). I then told her she had come highly recommended to us by couple of friends and do not appricate being treated like that. Only to be yelled at somemore so I told her to go to Hell and walked out of the store.

We then went to the other used book store in Woodbury on Woodlane. Where we were treated very kindly. The sales person at Mainstreet Bookseller was telling us how they are getting alot of business because of the Book Corner being so rude. She also told us that the owner of the Book Corner even slapped a customers hand for trying to look at a book she did not have shelved yet.

Thanks for reading the vent. Enter the Book Corner at your own risk.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Update on life

Well I am still looking for a job. I did have a phone interview with a company yesterday. I think it went well but who knows. I will find out Thursday or Friday if I made it to the next round of interview.

On the knitting front I am still working on the shrug for Alley and the same pair of socks I have been working on for a while now. The socks should be done soon so I will focus on the shrug.

I have been working on spinning again. Still spinning the lovey pink fleece. I hope to be done with that soon. I still do not know what I will make with the yarn. It is only the second fleece I have spun so it is very irregular.

Well that is about it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

update on Ry

Well Ry came home from the hospital on Sunday morning. Saturday they needed to change her IV because it was twisted and Alley decided to give her a bottle to settle her down (She had not had a bottle since Monday). That was all it took for her to start drinking the amount they wanted plus. We are still waiting for some of the test results from the Mayo, but they felt it was ok for her to come home especially now that she really disliked the nurses and doctors. They would walk by her in the hall and she would start to scream. We will see how she does with doctors when she goes for her check up at the end of the week.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wonderful weekend

My weekend started on Saturday as we (Rick and I) took the day off to go to the Woodbury garage sales. We many things we were looking for for the camper. I found a garage sale that was selling yarn I purchased 10 skeins of 85% cotton 15% silk. Two skeins of sock yarn roving all for $25.

In the afternoon we both had eye appointments. I do not need glasses yet he did say it will most likely be next year that I will need to get reading glasses. We then pulled the camper out of the garage and cleaned it for the first time. Rick took me out to dinner at a wonderful restaurant in Lake Elmo called Gormans.

Saturday the family went to the shepherds harvest for a few hours. I purchased some soysilk merino roving. I will be purchasing a drop spindle for lace weight to spin this roving. Rylyn loved to look at the "pacas" as she says it, and the bunnies. We did have to tell her the bunnies were like a friends dog to get her to pet it. She was not sure of the sheep making all that noise. we all have a great time.

On Sunday we spent most of the day at home then went to the mom inlaws for dinner. it was an alright day.

I wish I did not have to go back to work in the morning we had such a nice weekend.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What have I been up to.

Well I just realized today that I have not posted since my birthday. I had a great birthday, Yarn harlot was excellent. School has kept me busy. this quarter I have Comp 101, marketing and Microsoft office II (working with office 2007) which is interesting. I now work in 3 different versions of Microsoft office. School I have to use 2007, work is 97 and home is 2004 for Macs. All of which are very different to use. No wonder my brain feels like it is going in 20 different directions. I found out today that we start to register for summer quarter on monday and I hope there are HR class offered this summer so I can start to working on my major.

I have not done much in the knitting department. I am still working on my socks and dish clothes for a friend. i am looking forward to going to the shepherds harvest festival this weekend. I will be looking for roving to spin, and yarn to make the shawl. I will also be pricing spinning wheels as I really would like o buy one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Time to celebrate

I am officially a NON SMOKER. According to the insurance companies you need to not smoke for 12 complete months to be considered a non smoker. YEAH I made it one year today. The process of quiting this time was not a difficult one, it has been trying to not shovel food in my mouth ever time I needed something. Which according to the scale I did not do a very good job at. So now the new goal for this next year is to loss all the weight that I gained over the past year.

I have tried to quite many times in the past that did not work. I am not usre why this time worked. All I know is that last year it was 4 days before my birthday and I decided that I was turning the big 40 and had grandchildren that I wanted to be around for, so I decided that on my birhtday I would stop smoking. I used the patch for about one week then forgot to put it on after that. From then out no more smoking. I was really supprised that I did not get to be my normal witch when I try to stop smoking. My family has commented many times that I was pleasent to be around.

I know most of my family and friend already know that this is my one year annivesary for not smoking, but I needed to put this in writing for myself. Thank you everyone that supported me and continued to listen to my talk about this.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

So many thing happening

Where to start??? Well Saturday Rick and I went with G to our first SCA event and had a great time. Everyone was so wonderful. There was not a class that we took that someone really everyone) made us feel welcome. My husband who never dances with me took a class with me to learn some period dances. We had a great time and plan to do more dance classes. We are starting to plan out what we want for garb and I will be starting to make it soon. We would like to go to coronation if I can get the garb done by then.

I worked on the shawl on the way down to Rochester for the SCA event and while we were there. When the evening was almost over I got to the point where I needed to do tne crochet edging and cast off. I did that on Sunday and also did the 6 optional rows at the top of the shawl. I finish the shawl at about 12:00 AM and stay up to block it. I think it turned out quite well, I would make it bigger if I make it again. I will post pics later today.

On another note I started spring classes yesterday. This quarter I have Comp, Marketing and Microsoft professional II. This should be an interesting quarter as I am doing the Microsoft class online so I have more time and can go to knitting on Thursday nights.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Knitting update

Well I just made it to the half way point of the Icelandic shawl. The next thing I need to do is pick up stitches along the cast on edge to do the edge lace. Even though there are many mistakes I think it is turning out very well.

I hope to have the shawl done by the time the Yarn Harlot comes on the 10th of April. I really would like to wear it.

I am also working on a pair of socks for 2-at-a time socks called Sugar Maple.

These socks are taking a bit more time than I am used to for socks but I really like the way they are turning out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

YEAH the quarter is almost over

Well this is the last full week of class. This week Thursday starts finals. For my interpersonal relations class I have to do a presentation on Why I deserve an A in the class. The teacher wants it to be something unique that she has not seen before. I was thinking I could write something up and post it on here but thought no one else would want to read that. So what I have decided to so is have my small group of girls tell why I deserve an A in the class. I will be bringing a video camera to small group tomorrow and will ask them a a couple of question then let them have at it as to why I deserve an A. This should be fun and interesting as I can just imagine what 8 14 years old girls will have to say.

Well I just finished up writing a 4 page paper and emailed it to the instructor (I also had to bring him my flash drive and transfer the paper that way too. Because God knows if I can save to the flash drive and then email it I will not know how to copy and past it to another drive). We are just sitting here now waiting for the few people that have not started their papers and/or are not done to send them to him. Those are the people that only show up when they feel like it and do the work when they feel they want to and get to get full credit for turning them in when ever.
OK enough venting.

I started to work on the Icelandic shawl again. I have made a few market bags and will be making dish clothes soon for the camper. I am excited as after next week I my thursday nights back until the fall. I do not have a class on thursdays next quarter and I do not plan on taking any in the summer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday again

Hello All,

I am sitting here in my Tuesday class really trying hard to pay attention and follow along with what he is talking about. I thought I would write a little before I start my research for the 4 page paper I have to write for next week in this class.

Well I finally finished my mittens, they are wonderful. I would say I will post a photo but everytime I say that I do not. I will work on having more photos of my finished work. I think I am going to break out the shawl again as the leggings that I wanted to do I think are going to take to much of my brain to figure out unless one of my wonderful friends at knitting figures out the pattern, yarn and needle requirments for me. I know Alley really would love to have a pair of them. But with school and family I just do not have time to do all the calculations.

As for the SCA, Rick and I are going to go to SUN which looks to be a day of classes. We have decided that we are going to take cooking classes and garb classes for the most part. Rich want to take a period dance class which I think will be great. I just don't know if he will dance with me at events, cuz he does not dance with me any other time. :)

Well back to work I have an assignment I need to get done and only have about 10 minute to do it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I did a Tim Conway impression.

Well Nick and I are back from the church retreat. We had a great time. I maybe more so them him. I went cross country skiing for about 2-3 mile. I was doing so good we rounded the bend to the back half of the loop and I had not falling. I was so proud of myself cuz the last time I went I fell at least 15 times in the first mile. Well we hit another hill (mind you I had done 5 hills so far) this one was just a bit bigger (not much), we started to tell one of the boy to bend his knees and lean forward and away he went. My turn, I bent my knees started to lean forward and lost my balance and over correct and fell flat on my back. Think of Tim Conway on the Carol Burnet show when he play the little guy (Dorf?) and falls straight backwards, No bending. That was me, then I was laying in deep snow laughing my ass off. One would think that I would have hurt my back or head, right. Nope, leave it to me, I hyper extended my knee. Know I have a brace for my leg that I need to wear until the swelling goes down and the pain is gone. So we are looking at about a week. The brace makes life o much fun it goes from about 4 inches below my butt to about 4 inches above my ankle. The doctor said there were going to fit me with the short brace. Ok if this is the short brace where would the long brace be, i don;t think I want to know.

I did not finish both mitten on the retreat I did get one done on the ride up and about half of the second one done while we were there. So I think I will finishing it this week at Knitting.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yarn Harlot and knit out

The Yarn Harlot will be coming to MN in April as a matter of fact she will be here the day after my birthday. I have already reserved two tickets. One is for Me and the other is for a friend from Knitting that is not able to get over to pick them up. I will be going over to pick them up tomorrow.

Saturday Alley, Rylyn and I went to the Knit Out we had a good time but we mostly stood in lines for stuff. We saw this:

It was amazing.

We have to go study.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Well I just took my first midterm for the quarter. I have one more tomorrow. I think I did ok. I was not as ready for this test as I would have liked. I will be spending some extra time tonight studying for tomorrows test.

Rick and I bought a camper on Saturday, pending repairs (it is a pop up camper) one of the seams have ripped out and they are checking to see how much it will cost to repair. Well I did some checking on my own today and will be going to take photos of the repairs that need to be made so I can email them to the repair shop. The price that was quoted to me was about $35 for fix. I hope that is the case as it will be a lot less then we were expecting. The camper is a 1997 Palomino Mustang. It has everything that I wanted in a camper. I was so shocked to find out that it was in our price range. We will be finding out what the cost the RV center got on Wednesday. We will hopefully making the final decision of what to do my Thursday.

Sunday we checked out the Archery practice with the SCA. I think the boys will really like it when they can shoot themselves. The loner equipment was not there, but show be the next few weeks. We are talking about going to the event that is Rochester in March. that should be fun and should give a better feel for the SCA.

Knitting I am still working on the hats for my small group girls, I have 3 left to make. I really wanted them done my Wednesday but I do not think it will happen. I also need to make a pair of mittens for myself before the 22nd as I need them for winter white out (church retreat). If I do not get them done before he 22nd I can work on them on the trip there it is a 4 hour ride with 80 junior high kids.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New adventures

Well, as you can see I did not post last night in class. We actually did something. We did a review for the midterm next week. I wish the instructor would have taught the last 4 weeks the same way as he did last night, quickly. I actually felt like it was not a complete waste of time.

On the Knitting front I have been working on the unoriginal hats for my small group girls. I have 4 of the 8 done. I should have the rest done by Next Wednesday. Which will be a good thing they were to be christmas present and it would be nice for them to be able to use them before winter is over completely.

My hubby and I have decided to check out the SCA. We are looking forward to finding out more about it and the different things we can learn. We think we are going to look at 16th century Ireland. (He wants to wear a kilt and that is the only time period I can find so far). I am excited to talk to G about it more at knitting tomorrow. We will need to find out more about what Nick will be able to do. But we talked to him last night and he is looking forward to it.

Well that is it for now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I have three hour to update

Its computer information system time again. I have three boring hour to update the blog. I will not bore you again this week with what it not happening in this class.

This week on the knitting front I made Rick the fist thing ever. I amde him fingerless gloves. I have found that I like making them as I am able to get a pair of them done in less the a day. We went Sunday to knit N from the heart and bought 2 skeins of casade 220. One for Rick fingerless gloves and one for new mittens for me. I will start on the mittens for me this week if not before I will start them on Thursday after class at knitting.

On the spinning front. I have plyed, washed and wound the gray and white wool that I learned to spin on. I have also done the same to the pretty pink wool I have a really nice cake of pretty pink. I keep spinning the pretty pink into yarn.

We had an IEP meeting for Nick today, regarding what will happen next year for high school for him. Well let just say I have a really good feeling that I will be the state about the way this district is going to handle my son's education. I hate the fact that everytime there should be a good change they always make it into some way to get him into a different program. I will have more on that issue at a later date.

Well I should go and actually pay some attention to the instructor he is now ready to start trying to teach chapter 4. We are now an hour and a half into class and he is now getting to the new chapter. We have just been reveiwing how to create folders for the last hour.

bye for now

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here we are again

Well it is Tuesday night again and I am sitting in my computer informations systems class trying to stay on task, but as you can see I am not doing to well. If this guy was any more boring the class might actually start to snore. This class is actually interesting if he would move a lot faster and stay on track. For some reason he thinks we are computer stupid and that we don't know anything about computers. an example of is: were do you find my computer and how do you open a program? OH MY GOD we are not STUPID. I just had to tell him that if you have folder b in folder a you can not put folder a in b. DUH and who is the person we are paying to teach us??????? HEEEEELLLLPPPPP I am losing my mind in this class!!!!!!!!

On the knitting front I made a market bag using Liz's pattern this weeking. I made Ry a bunny out of the one skein book that I got from Emily for Christmas. It was a reaaly simple pattern to do. I made it in about 3 hour.

I have spent most of my time this weekend Spinning. I am so in love witn it, I am almost thinking it is more relaxing than (dare I say) knitting. I have to force myself to stop. I have a wonderful friend from knitting group that has helped me out to learn to spin. She is the person that I cought the drop spindle from. She was wonderful last week and brought me more beast roving. she told me I needed to finish spinning that before I could start on the really soft and pretty pink roving she brought me. Well I finished the beast roving in a short time, I have to say it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. (I will post pics later. No camera in class). I have it in a pretty little cake now I need to know what to do with it now (I think I need to ply it). I think by the time I get to knitting on Thursday night I will have enough of the pretty pink to wind off into a cake. I do need to find out what kind of wool it is exactly. I am trying to figure out what I want to make with the

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Semister

Well the new semister has started. My class are not the toughest but the amount of home work will be a killer for me. Monday night class is Intro to marco economics. We are doing a unit a night which is approx 4-5 chapters in a unit plus assignments. We will have a 5 page paper due at the end of class but we don't have all the information for it yet.

My Tuesday night class is Copmuter informations systems. This class is really easy but the hard part is to stay awake. As it is areally boring. This is were I am writing this tonight or I will fall alseep.

Thursday I have Interpersonal relations. I actually really like this class. I am learning a lot. Hubby and I are taking the class at the same time. He does not like it. I am going to have to write a paper as to why I deserve an A in the class for the final project. We will need to present this at the end of class. The presentation can be in different forms if we do not want ot talk in class. I was thinking that I would write it a put it on here. Then all of my friends can let me know if I have grown and deserve an A. HEHEHEH. This week in this class we have to write our mission statement. I have to start that tonight. I am looking forward to writing this to see if I will start to live what I write.

We as for knitting I have not really worked on anything in about two weeks. I have been slowly working on the Icelandic shawl one row at a time (or should I say a night) I still have socks on the needles so I should finish these. I might start market bags or dish clothes for gifts.

Rick bought me a new book by the author I like so I start to read that on Saturday and I should be finishing that tonight.

Well I should go and pay attention, hopefully he will stop talking and let us do something other than listen to him. snooooooze. (nothing like listening to a computer geek talk about 1's and 0's.) which by the way we do not need to know according to the syllabus.

Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 Knit Out at MOA

I have did not make this event last year, but I am really going to try to make it this year. I will be talking to the thursday night gang to see if we want to go together, even maybe help out.

The second annual Knit Out & Crochet event at Mall of America will be held February 16th and 17th 2008. Over 50,000 yarn enthusiasts are expected to attend. This year you can bring your knit and crochet questions to "Yarn Doctors" at the show.